

pinnacle – [ pin-uh-kuhl ] – / ˈpɪn ə kəl / – Noun

  • a lofty peak.
  • the highest or culminating point, as of success, power, fame, etc.:
  • the pinnacle of one’s career.
  • any pointed, towering part or formation, as of rock.
  • Architecture. a relatively small, upright structure, commonly terminating in a gable, a pyramid, or a cone, rising above the roof or coping of a building, or capping a tower, buttress, or other projecting architectural member.

Verb (used with object), pin·na·cled, pin·na·cling.
to place on or as on a pinnacle.
to form a pinnacle on; crown.

apex, culmination, peak, height, greatest, crown, pyramid, zenith, acme, obelisk, climax, needle, spire, vertex, summit, cone, steeple, tower, apogee, max

1300–50; Middle English pinacle < Middle French < Late Latin pinnāculum gable, equivalent to Latin pinn(a) raised part of a parapet, literally, wing, feather.


  • Next, he sermonized on the moral failures that caused other “pinnacle nations” throughout history to fall.
  • From an athletic point of view, James is the pinnacle of human athleticism and fitness.
  • For those who are obsessed with the popular reality show, the wedding was a pinnacle moment.
  • They were two artists at the pinnacle of their careers combining their respective star powers into one nearly blinding supernova.
  • The arrival of Woodford Reserve in 1996 was arguably the pinnacle of the small batch movement.
  • Beyond, one traced the outlines of pinnacle and flying buttress, slanting roof and beautiful windows.
  • No matter how obscurely one has ever appeared in print, one pays the penalty of the pinnacle ever after.
  • In one swift moment she had risen to a pinnacle, she had looked down upon the level lowlands from the heights.
  • From the pinnacle of a great faith in his kind he had been hurled headlong to the depths of unbelief and suspicion.
  • Now we approach the crux and pinnacle of this inquirendo into the art and mystery of smoking.

Posted in Letter Pp, Word of the Day.
