169 Page 46 Reading Rainbow Level One

Teach: (Discussion and Reading)

                Reading Rainbow Level One Page 46: The Park (PDF &Textbook)


I can see the grass. (What is grass?) – [grass – [gras, grahs] – /græs, grɑs/]

I can see the flowers. (What is a flower?) – [flow·er – [flou-er] – /ˈflaʊ ər/]

I can see the trees. (What is a tree?) – [tree – [tree] – /tri/]

I can see the birds. (What is a bird?) – [bird – [burd] – /bɜrd/]

Note: Two birds on a branch.

Bird’s mouth is called a beak.

Bird is an animal and can fly.

I can see the slide. – [slide – [slahyd] – /slaɪd/]

Note: I can slide (ACTION/VERB) down the slide (THING/NOUN).

I can climb up the slide.

I can see the swings. – [swing – [swing] – /swɪŋ/]

Note: I can swing (ACTION/VERB) on the swing (THING/NOUN).

I can see the children. – [chil·dren – [chil-druh n] – /ˈtʃɪl drən/]


Child = Singular (One)

Children = Plural (Two or more)

I can see the park. (What is a park?) – [park – [pahrk] – /pɑrk/]



Example Question(s):

  1. What can you see and do at the park?


Explain: Living Things and Non- Living Things (briefly)

Example: Trees, Flowers, Boys, Girls, Men, Women, Grass are LIVING THINGS.

Example: Tables, Windows, Books, Floors, Pens are NON-LIVING THINGS.


Living things include many kinds of organisms, from the plants, animals, fungi, and algae that can be readily seen in nature to the multitude of tiny creatures known as protozoa, bacteria, and archaea that can be seen only with a microscope. Living things can be found in every type of habitat on Earth—on land and in lakes, rivers, and oceans


Non-living thing is no longer living or has never had the traits of life including respiration, reproduction, movement, metabolism, sensitivity and growth. Nonliving things do not require energy to continue existing in their current state.



Have some of the students come to the front and read the story without books.




No Homework Given

Posted in Reading Rainbow Level One.
