146 Page 37 Reading Rainbow Level One

Check Homework:

                Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One:

Page 37: Setting The Table – Unscramble the words.


                Flag of the day: Page 19 – West Virginia



Word of the Day Level II: Letter Yy – Y, y – [wahy] – /waɪ/ – noun, plural Y’s or Ys, y’s or ys.

The twenty fifth (25th) letter of the English alphabet, a semivowel.


Activity: Ask the students who can give five (5) words that begin with letter Yy very quickly.

Note: Letter Yy is the 25th, letter of the alphabet; it comes before letter Zz, and after Letter Xx.



                Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One: Page 37 – Setting The Table

Swap workbooks with different students for corrections, the actual teacher for the class will correct and participate as a student in place of the student who chose to be the teacher.



                Have one student be a teacher and give the student 10 points, for being a teacher.


Teacher (The student who is the teacher) Must Ask The Students The Following Questions:


  1. Who can read?
  2. Who can spell the following:
  3. mat
  4. napkin
  5. plate
  6. knife
  7. fork
  8. spoon
  9. glass
  10. table


Note: The Teacher (The student who is the teacher) should write the above words on the board.



                Teacher (The student who is the teacher) Must Have The Students Read The Complete Story, and May Have Students Come To The Front To Recite The Story Without Any Books or Glass board.



Posted in Reading Rainbow Level One.
