137 Handwriting – Letters Jj, Kk, Ll


Word of the Day Level II: Letter Qq – Q, q – [kyoo] – /kyu/ – Noun, plural Q’s or Qs, q’s or qs.

The seventeenth (17th) letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.


Activity: Ask the students who can give five (5) words that begin with letter Qq very quickly.

Note: Letter Qq is the 17th, letter of the alphabet; it comes before letter Rr, and after Letter Pp.


Teach: Handwriting Workbook: Lowercase Letter j:

Activity: Words that begin with lowercase letter j:

                Note: ask the students what word(s) begin with lowercase j, and write them down.

Words that begin with Lowercase Letter j:
Jump Jump Rope Jolly Just Joke
Jar Joy Jam Jelly Jiggle
Just Jewel Jet Juggle Juice
Jeep Join Job Jungle Jump


Explain: The Letter Jj may be written a few different ways, and all are correct this includes Lowercase and Uppercase (Capital Letter).


Teach: Handwriting Workbook: Lowercase Letter k:

Activity: Words that begin with lowercase letter k:

Note: ask the students what word(s) begin with lowercase k, and write them down.

Words that begin with Lowercase Letter k:
Kangaroo Kite Kitten Kit Keep
Keeper Key King Kindergarten Kids
Kick Kiss Knight Knee Knock
Kind Koala Kill Knife Keen


Explain: The Letter Kk may be written a few different ways, and all are correct this includes Lowercase and Uppercase (Capital Letter).


Teach: Handwriting Workbook: Lowercase Letter l:

Activity: Words that begin with lowercase letter l:

                Note: ask the students what word(s) begin with lowercase l, and write them down.

Words that begin with Lowercase Letter l:
Lips Lion Leaf Like Lick
Love Lost Last Lock Log
Long List Loop Lack Level
Let Low Lower Lamp Lamb
Lake Late Look Lesson Loose


Explain: The Letter Ll may be written a few different ways, and all are correct this includes Lowercase and Uppercase (Capital Letter).



No Homework Given

Posted in English Textbook Level One.
