133 Page 52 – 53 English Textbook Level One


                Flag of the day: Page 17 – Pennsylvania



Word of the Day Level II: Letter Nn – N, n – [en] – /ɛn/ – Noun, plural N’s or Ns, n’s or ns.

The fourteenth (14th) letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.


Activity: Ask the students who can give five (5) words that begin with letter Nn very quickly.

Note: Letter Nn is the 14th, letter of the alphabet; it comes before letter Oo, and after Letter Mm.


Discussion: What did the students see in the Letter of the Day Video?

Example: I saw Murray, and discuss what the students saw.



                English Textbook Level One – Page 52:

  • Where I Live / Supermarket & Shops/Stores (Textbook Only)


Note: Ask the students what they can see on page 52, and discuss in complete sentences.



                English Textbook Level One – Page 53:

  • Where I Live / Theater, Police Station (Textbook Only)


Note: Ask the students what they can see on page 53, and discuss in complete sentences.


Focus Word(s): Theater, Policemen, Cartoons, Cowboy Movies


[thee-uh-ter, theeuh-] /ˈθiətər, ˈθiə-/ – Noun

  1. A building, part of a building, or outdoor area for housing dramatic presentations, stage entertainments, or motion-picture shows.


Cinema [sin-uh-muh] – /ˈsɪnəmə/ – Noun (British English)


Explain: Policeman / Policemen, Police Woman / Police Women, Police Officer / Police Officers

Above are singular and plural forms, but they are all the same.


THEATER is a place to watch movies, like Gengsu Theater  Dadi Cinema.

Cartoons and Cowboy Movies are types of movies.

                Example of a Cartoon is Tom and Jerry.



                Write names of 2 Cartoons or Movies:

                                I like…                 

Example: I like Tom and Jerry, I like Snow White

                                I don’t like         

Example: I don’t like Tom and Jerry, I don’t like Snow White

Posted in English Textbook Level One.
