122 Page 47 – 48 English Textbook Level One


                Flag of the day: Page 16 – Nevada


Note: Tell the students that it would be a great idea if they can have a CLASS FLAG, and to draw a class flag on the glass board.


Word of the Day Level II: Letter Dd – D, d – [dee] – /di/ – Noun, plural D’s or Ds, d’s or ds.

The fourth (4th) letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.


Activity: Ask the students who can give five (5) words that begin with letter Dd very quickly.

Note: Letter Dd is the 4th, letter of the alphabet; it comes before letter Ee, and after Letter Cc.



                English Textbook Level One – Page 47: – Where I Live (Textbook Only)


I go high, I go low.

I go up, I go down.

My bike and I, go all around town.



                English Textbook Level One – Page 48: – Where I Live (Textbook Only)


Where I Live:

House – [n., adj. hous; v. houz] – /n., adj. haʊs; v. haʊz/

Noun, plural hous·es [hou-ziz] – /ˈhaʊzɪz/

Building in which people live; residence for human beings.


Apartment – [uh-pahrt-muhnt] – /əˈpɑrtmənt/ – Noun

A room or a group of related rooms, among similar sets in one building, designed for use              as a dwelling.


Note: Read the simple passages, and ask the students what they can see.

**A HOUSE and an APARTMENT are homes. **


Discussion: Explain to the students the difference between an apartment and a house.

Ask the students if they live in an apartment or a house.

Ask the students where their friends and family live.

Ask the students what they can do in an apartment or a house.



Posted in English Textbook Level One.
