Happy Holidays Project – 2019

As part of Dialect Zone International’s History Curriculum, students will begin to learn about different American Cultures, Traditions and Holidays.

To further enrich these skills, students WILL participate in this multicultural, Happy Holidays Project.

  1. Thanksgiving
  2. Christmas
  3. New Year’s

The students will write 3 (three) different letters, to 3 (three) different people:

  1. Donald Trump – President of the United States
  2. Mike Pence – Vice President of the United States
  3. Terry Branstad – U.S. Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China

This project starts today December 1st, 2019, and it is very simple yet very interesting to do.


December 15th, 2019 11:59 PM EST


Download Happy Holidays template by clicking here.

  1. Print out a real photo / picture 4×6 or 5×7 size (DO NOT print the picture)
  • Picture / photo must be a recent one taken within the last 30 days.
  • Picture must be pasted/glued HORIZONTALLY
  1. Wish the person you are writing to a wonderful holiday season.
  • Must be written in English.
  • Parents may help but MAY NOT write it for the child.
  • Students may write some wonderful Chinese Poetry or Words of Wisdom.
  • Be creative as you want to be.
  1. If possible make a short video and explain what you are doing.
  2. Hand in your Happy Holidays Project along with any videos, information, notes, drawings, and the letter as soon as possible.


Remember, it will take time to mail the letters to America, and therefore please understand that this project has to meet a deadline.


After completion, please hand in your information, videos and photos to your teacher only.



1. 感恩节
2. 圣诞节
3. 新年


1. 唐纳德·特朗普 – 美国总统
2. 迈克·彭斯 – 美国副总统
3. 特里·布兰斯塔德 – 美国驻中华人民共和国大使


最后 期限:
2019年 12月 15日 11:59 (美国东部时间)



1. 打印真实照片/图片 4×6 或 5×7 大小(请勿打印图片)

• 照片/照片必须是最近在过去 30 天内拍摄的。
• 图片必须粘贴/粘附

2. 祝你在假期里度过一个美好的佳节。

* 必须用英语书写。
• 家长可能会提供帮助,但不得为孩子书写。
• 学生可以写一些精彩的中国诗歌或智慧之言。
• 随心所欲地发挥创造力。

3. 如果可能的话,制作一个简短的视频,并解释你在做什么。

4. 尽快交出您的快乐假期项目以及任何视频、信息、笔记、图纸和信件。






Posted in Education, Holidays.
