Begging You

I’m begging you
I’m begging you
The fly on the coachwheel told me that he got it
And he knew what to do with it everybody saw it
Saw the dust that he made
King bee in a frenzy ready to blow
Got the horn good to go wait
Oh his sting’s all gone
Now he’s begging you
Begging you

Here is a warning the sky will divide
Since I took of the lid
Now there’s nowhere to hide
Now I’m belling you
I’m begging you

This is a mystery not to be solved
but be minded like minded
I’m gone still I’m with you
I’m begging you
I’m begging you

Give it over give it over
Give it over give it over
Yeah I’m begging you
I’m begging you
Give it over give it over
Give it over give it over
Yeah I’m begging you
I’m begging you

Weigh it and say it
Is it all in a name
Does it call you or maul you
And drive you insane
Can it make you remember time is a place
Now I’m belling you
I’m begging you

The fly on the coachwheel told me that he got it
And he knew what to do with it everybody saw it
Saw the dust that he made

Make all the dust that you can
Make all the dust that you can
King bee in a frenzy ready to blow

Posted in The Stone Roses.
