167 Page 43 – 44 – 45 Reading Rainbow Level One

Teach: (Discussion and Reading)

                Reading Rainbow Level One Page 43: The Flower (PDF &Textbook)

Here is the pot.

Here is the dirt.

Here is the seed.

Here is the water.

Here is the sun.

Here is the stem.

Here is the leaf.

Here is the flower.


Teach: (Discussion and Reading)

                Reading Rainbow Level One Page 44: The Painter (PDF &Textbook)

I can paint my chair.

I can paint my bike.

I can paint my house.

I can paint my flowers.

I can paint my tree.

I can paint my swing.

I can paint my friends.

I can paint myself!


Teach: (Discussion and Reading)

                Reading Rainbow Level One Page 45: The Parade (PDF &Textbook)

Look at the flags.

Look at the clowns.

Look at the band.

Look at the truck.

Look at the car.

Look at the balloons.

Look at the people.

Look at the parade!


Parade – A large public procession, usually including a marching band and often of a festive                                         nature, held in honor of an anniversary, person, event, etc. A person who farms;                       person who operates a farm or cultivates land.



                 Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One


  1. Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One: Page 40: Swim
  2. Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One: Page 41: The Baby
  3. Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One: Page 42: The Farmers
  4. Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One: Page 43: The Flower
  5. Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One: Page 44: The Painter
  6. Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One: Page 45: The Parade

Posted in Reading Rainbow Level One.
