80 Page 30 – 31 Reading Rainbow Level One Page

                Reading Rainbow Level One Page 25: My Bath (Story Only)


Duck – (Toy duck is a Rubber Duckie) (Toy girl/boy is a doll) (Barbie is name of a doll)

Boat – (A boat can sail)

Soap – (I can wash and clean my body with SOAP)

Fish – (Fish has fins and a tail to help it swim in the water)



Mom – (Mom is a mother – woman – family member)

Bath – (Tub / Bathtub) – Bubbles, Bubble Bath, (I can blow bubbles)


Focus Word(s):  Boat, Soap, Bath, Bubbles


Note: Students must provide very good answers, do not accept simple answers.


Reading Rainbow Level One Page 26: My Bear (Story Only)


I can ride with my bear.

I can eat with my bear.

I can dance with my bear.

I can read with my bear.

I can skate with my bear.

I can paint with my bear.

I can swing with my bear.

I can sleep with my bear.


Focus Word(s): With, Dance, Skate, Swing


Example Question(s):

  1. What is the girl doing?
  2. What can the girl do?
  3. What is the bear doing?
  4. What can the bear do?


Note: Students must provide very good answers, do not accept simple answers.


Word of the day: Windy – wind·y – [win-dee] – /ˈwɪn di/

Note: Types of Weather:

                                Windy Day (Wind), Rainy Day (Rain)

Snowy Day (Snow), Cloudy Day (Cloud(s)) (Just A Brief Intro To Weather)

Posted in English Textbook Level One, Reading Rainbow Level One.
