78 Page 30 – 31 English Textbook Level One

                English Textbook Level One: (Pictures & Textbook)

Page: 31 – People, Animals and Things Have Different Sizes.


Coke – (Glass Bottle, Plastic Bottle, Aluminum Can / Can)

What is this?

Can you eat Coke?

Can you drink Coke?

Tall – (Tall Girl)

Short – (Short Boy)

Small – (Small Ball(s))

Big – (Big Ball(s))

Fat – (Fat Cat) – (Fat Baby)

Thin – (Thin Boy)


Note: What can the students see in the picture on page 31


Adjective: ad·jec·tive- [aj-ik-tiv] – /ˈædʒ ɪk tɪv/ – Noun

Grammar. any member of a class of words that modify nouns and pronouns, primarily   by describing a particular quality of the word they are modifying, as wise in a wise               grandmother, or perfect in a perfect score, or handsome in He is extremely handsome.                        Synonyms: modifier, qualifier, identifier, describer, describing word.


                English Textbook Level One: (Pictures & Textbook)

Page: 32 – I Am Painting A Picture With Different Shapes.


I draw stars

I draw circles

I use red paint

I use green paint

I paint big things

I paint small things


Focus Word(s): Draw, Use, Paint

Note: Drawing and Painting are different things.

What can the students see in the picture on page 32



Word of the day: Unanimous – u·nan·i·mous – [yoo-nan-uh-muh s] – /yuˈnæn ə məs/

Posted in English Textbook Level One.
