124 Page 49 – 50 English Textbook Level One


                Flag of the day: Page 16 – New Jersey


Word of the Day Level II: Letter Ee – E, e – [ee] – /i/ – Noun, plural E’s or Es, e’s or es.

The fifth (5th) letter of the English alphabet, a vowel.


Activity: Ask the students who can give five (5) words that begin with letter Ee very quickly.

Note: Letter Ee is the 5th, letter of the alphabet; it comes before letter Ff, and after Letter Dd.



                English Textbook Level One – Page 49: – Where I Live (MY, HER, HIS, THEIR)

Discuss previous homework: Possessive Adjectives



                English Textbook Level One – Page 50: – Where I Live (Textbook Only)


Note: Ask the students what they can see on page 50, and discuss in complete sentences.



Discuss the words below (Dirty, Clean, Empty, Full) using complete sentences.


Focus Word(s): Dirty, Clean, Empty, Full (Adjectives)


                [dur-tee] – /ˈdɜrti/ – adjective, dirt·i·er, dirt·i·est.

Definition:  soiled with dirt; foul; unclean

Example: I have dirty laundry that needs to be done.

[kleen] – /klin/ – adjective, clean·er, clean·est.

Definition:   free from dirt; unsoiled; unstained

Example: She bathed and put on a clean dress.

[emp-tee] – /ˈɛmpti/ – adjective, emp·ti·er, emp·ti·est.

Definition:   containing nothing; having none of the usual or appropriate contents

Example: I have an empty bottle.           

                [foo l] – /fʊl/ – adjective, full·er, full·est.

Definition: completely filled; containing all that can be held; filled to utmost capacity

                                                Example: I have a full cup of milk.



                English Textbook Level One – Page 50: – Where I Live (DIRTY, CLEAN, EMPTY, FULL)

Write 5 sentences on the bottom, using the word DIRTY.

Write 5 sentences on the bottom, using the word CLEAN.

Write 5 sentences on the bottom, using the word EMPTY.

Write 5 sentences on the bottom, using the word FULL.

Posted in English Textbook Level One.
