106 Page 42 – 43 English Textbook Level One

Activity: Today’s Date

                Day, Month and Year – (what is today, tomorrow, yesterday)


                What is today’s DATE? (Ask the students to see if they know today’s date).



                Flag of the day: Page 14 – Idaho


Word of the Day Level II: Compare – com·pare – [kuh m-pair] – /kəmˈpɛər/

                Discussion: What is compare and what can the students compare?



English Textbook Level One: Page 42 (Textbook)

Page: 42 – Being Polite.

Have the students read and understand page 42 in the TEXTBOOKS.


Discussion: Ask the students how they can use the following words in sentences, and daily life.

  1. Thank You
  2. You’re Welcome
  3. Please
  4. Sorry
  5. It’s alright



                English Textbook Level One: Page 43 (Textbook)

Page: 43 – Feelings.

Have the students read and understand page 43 in the TEXTBOOKS.


Note: Draw on the glass board to help the students understand different feelings / expressions.


Discussion: Ask the students how they feel. (Accept All Answers)

  1. When can the student feel happy.
  2. When can the student feel excited.
  3. When can the student feel sad.
  4. When can the student feel angry.



                English Textbook Level One: Page 43

Page: 43 – Feelings – (Study & Understand The Story)

Posted in English Textbook Level One.
