
Love drug are you the pain I feel inside
Love drug always on the run, nowhere to hide
Love drug burning down the ruins of my pride
Addiction is so hard to hide
I must have given up resistance
once I got tempted by your charms
I can’t remember the occasion
when I ran right into you arms
But I still run

Love drug are you the pain I feel inside
Love drug always on the run, nowhere to hide
Love drug burning down the ruins of my pride
Addiction is so hard to hide
The thougt of being who I was before
Made me decide to give you up

But the blood in my veins, the stare in my eyes,
the electric discharges in my brains
made me realize I’ve come too far to ever stop
I got to give it up
Love drug promised me a never ending rave
Love drug I loved the short-term
comfort that you gave
Love drug you’ve become the master,
I’m the slave Denying me the freedom that I crave

Love drug giving me your sweet relief no more
Love drug no, not like the way you did before
Love drug broken and ashamed as I fall to the floor
I can’t live with or without you anymore
Love drug are you the pain I feel inside
Love drug always on the run, nowhere to hide
Love drug burning down the ruins of my pride
Addiction is so hard to hide
Love drug

Posted in Shoot High Aim Low.
