Halloween 2020

Please MARK your calendars for the following dates:

As many are aware that the HOLIDAY SEASON is just right around the corner in the United States, and I plan to celebrate these holidays with the children.

This is the only way to actually experience a small part of what the HOLIDAYS in the United States are all about.

I do highly recommend that the students / parents take advantage of these FREE activities.

Halloween Party – Saturday, October 31st, 2020 – 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm – (All Classes from 5:00 pm Onward shall be rescheduled)


  1. You MUST dress up in a Halloween Costume !!!
  2. Halloween Candy / Snacks!
    • Children should eat dinner before or after the party.
  3. I will NOT provide the mask or costume, you must provide this yourself!
  4. Activities / Games

To Signup please fill out the form below.

Any and all classes scheduled at this time, will be canceled and provided a date and time for a make-up class.

*** Note: Costume / Mask are required to join… ***
You must dress up in a Halloween Costume !!!
Halloween Candy / Snacks / Activities


Parents may NOT join the party, however you may stay for a little while to take pictures.
I do ask that after taking pictures, everyone (parents) will be asked to leave. (No Exceptions)
I do ask for cooperation in this matter.




Students should arrive at 6:00 pm ONLY, and not earlier, as the doors will be opened at 6:00 pm sharp.

DO NOT be late!

*** For safety and security reasons: ***

  • Parents may not pick up their children prior to 8:00 pm.
  • Students will not be allowed to leave early.
  • Student must be accompanied by an adult (parent or guardian)

NO sharp weapons will be allowed.
NO jackets will be allowed, please take your son’s or daughter’s jacket with you when you drop them off, as I do not room to store them.

Although this party is for Dialect Zone International students, however friends or family MAY participate in this activity.

This is the only way to actually experience a small part of what Halloween is all about.

This is a free party and open to everyone, but I need to know who will be attending so I can prepare.

This is a free parties and open to all Dialect Zone International students, but I need to know who will be attending so I can prepare.

As always stay updated with me at all times by visiting https://blog.dialectzone.org

Working together is the only way that we can help the children.

Lastly, it is everyone’s responsibility to keep the students under control as well as the classrooms and other areas clean and tidy at all times.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at anytime.

Dialect Zone International is duly licensed and authorized by the Jiangsu and Nantong Education Boards, and must adhere to educational guidelines.
As in the past and will continue into the future, Dialect Zone International will exceed all requirements set forth in educational aspects, in China as well as the United States.

You should stay updated 24 hours a day 7 days a week by visiting: https://news.dialectzone.org

If you have any questions or concerns about this or any other matters, please feel free to contact us at anytime.


Please fill out the form below:



Note: Do to COVID-19, registration does not guarantee that our Halloween Party will proceed without all and any necessary governmental approvals.




Posted in Holidays.
