Close The Door, Put Out The Light

Close the door
Put out the light
Come sleep
Till tomorrow comes creepin’
Talk some more
Till I grow tired don’t leave
Till you know that I’m sleepin’
Don’t say goodnight
Just slide away into the dark
And take with you my heart
Close the door
Put out the light
Come sleep
Till tomorrow comes creepin’
Down the hall they’re talking lies
Don’t speak
Of the troubles you’re keepin’
Don’t fall behind
Just know that everything is fine
Knowin’ that you’re mine
Close the door
Put out the light
This day
Leaves me tired and heavy
Waking hours will always fall away
When you feel that you’re ready
Don’t say goodnight
Just slide away into the dark
And take with you my heart

Posted in Bic Runga.
