85 Page 5 – 8 Reading Rainbow Level One

Reading Rainbow Level One

Reading Rainbow Level One Page 5: Baking 

Baking – bake

Pizza – pizza – [ peet-suh ] – / ˈpit sə /

Bread – bread  -[ bred ] – / brɛd /

Pie – pie – [ pahy ] – / paɪ /

Brownies – brownie – [ brou-nee ] – / ˈbraʊ ni /

Cupcake – cupcake – [ kuhp-keyk ] – / ˈkʌpˌkeɪk /

Cookies – cookies – [ kook-eez ] – / ˈkʊk iz /

Cake – cake – [ keyk ] – / keɪk /


Reading Rainbow Level One Page 6: Birds 

This bird is flying. – fly – (The bird is flying / The bird can fly)

This bird is swimming. – swim – (The bird is swimming / The bird can swim)

This bird is drinking. – drink – (The bird is drinking / The bird can drink)

This bird is eating. – eat – (The bird is eating / The bird can eat)

This bird is walking. – walk – (The bird is walking / The bird can walk)

This bird is running. – run – (The bird is running / The bird can run)

This bird is sleeping. – sleep – (The bird is sleeping / The bird can sleep)

This bird is talking! – talk – (The bird is talking / The bird can talk)

Eagle – eagle – [ ee-guhl ] – / ˈi gəl /

Parrot – (Many Colors = Colorful) – parrot – [ par-uht ] – / ˈpær ət

Pelican – pelican – [ pel-i-kuhn ] – / ˈpɛl ɪ kən /

Guinea Fowl – guinea fowl or guin·ea·fowl

Flamingo – flamingo – [ fluh-ming-goh ] – / fləˈmɪŋ goʊ /

Ostrich – ostrich – [ aw-strich, os-trich ] – / ˈɔ strɪtʃ, ˈɒs trɪtʃ /

Owl – owl – [ oul ] – / aʊl /

Penguin – penguin – [ peng-gwin, pen- ] – / ˈpɛŋ gwɪn, ˈpɛn- /


Reading Rainbow Level One Page 7: Dad 

Dad is driving.

Dad is cooking.

Dad is singing.

Dad is running.

Dad is digging.

Dad is writing.

Dad is painting.

Dad is hiding!



Dad – dad, daddy, pop, papa – (a man / a man that has a child / children)

Driving – drive – (dad is driving / dad can drive)

Dad is driving a… / Dad can drive a/an… / I can drive a/an…

Cooking – cook – (dad is cooking / dad can cook)

Dad is cooking a/an… / Dad can cook a/an… / I can cook a/an…

Singing – sing – (dad is singing / dad can sing)

Dad is singing a/an… / Dad can sing a/an… / I can sing a/an…

Running – run – (dad is running / dad can run)

Digging – dig – (dad is digging / dad can dig)

Writing – write – (dad is writing / dad can write)

Dad is digging a/an… / Dad can dig a/an… / I can dig a/an…

Painting – paint – (dad is painting / dad can paint)

Dad is painting a/an… / Dad can paint a/an… / I can paint a/an…

Hiding – hide – (dad is hiding / dad can hide)


Reading Rainbow Level One Page 8: Drawing 

I can draw a mom.

I can draw a dad.

I can draw a girl.

I can draw a boy.

I can draw a baby.

I can draw a dog.

I can draw a cat.

I can draw my family!


Mom – mom – [mom] – /mɒm/

Dad – dad – [dad] – /dæd/

Girl – girl – [gurl] – /gɜrl/

Boy – boy – [boi] – /bɔɪ/

Baby – ba·by – [bey-bee] – /ˈbeɪ bi/

Dog – dog – [dawg, dog] – /dɔg, dɒg/

Cat – cat – [kat] – /kæt/

Family – fam·i·ly – [fam-uh-lee, fam-lee] – /ˈfæm ə li, ˈfæm li/


Dog: dog – [dawg, dog] – /dɔg, dɒg/ – Noun

A domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties.

Cat: cat – [kat] – /kæt/ – Noun

A small domesticated carnivore, Felis domestica or F. catus, bred in a number of               varieties.

Family: fam·i·ly – [fam-uh-lee, fam-lee] – /ˈfæm ə li, ˈfæm li/ – noun, plural fam·i·lies.

A basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group,                                             whether dwelling together or not: the traditional family.

Asocial unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for: a                                                 single-parent family.


Note: Students must provide very good answers, do not accept simple answers.


Activity: Have students come to the front and recite / retell the story DRAWING.

Also see if any of the students can recite the story with no book and very fast.

Posted in English Textbook Level One, Reading Rainbow Level One.
