82 Page 34 English Textbook Level One

English Textbook Level One: Page: 34 – Animals – (Pictures & Textbook)

                Describing Animals – Adjectives – (Adj.)


Green – (Green Animals) – parrot – parrots

Mean – (Mean Animals) – bear – bears

Dirty – (Dirty Animals) – dog – dogs

Clean – (Clean Animals) – rabbit / bunny – rabbits / bunnies

Short – (Short Animals) – dog – dogs

Tall – (Tall Animals) – giraffe – giraffes

Huge – (Huge Animals) – elephant – elephants

Small – (Small Animals) – rabbit / bunny – rabbits / bunnies

Smooth – (Smooth Animals) – penguin – penguins

Hairy – (Hair Animals) – camel – camels

Scary – (Scary Animals) – tiger – tigers


Sentence Structure / Focus Word(s):  Students should understand and know how to describe animals, things and people using the above words that are being taught.


Note: Get students to provide very good answers in a sentence.

Posted in English Textbook Level One.
