4 Colors (Brown, Pink & Purple)


Brown – brown – [broun] – /braʊn/ 

  • Brown Cow 
  • Brown Dinosaur 
  • Brown Log 
  • Brown Bear 

 Brown: A dark tertiary color with a yellowish or reddish hue. 


 Pink – pink – [pingk] – /pɪŋk/ 

  • Pink Computer 
  • Pink Lips 
  • Pink Mask 
  • Pink Umbrella 

 Pink: A color varying from light crimson to pale reddish purple. 


Purple – pur·ple – [pur-puh l] – /ˈpɜr pəl/ 

  • Purple Drum 
  • Purple Hat 
  • Purple Heart 
  • Purple Motorcycle 
  • Purple Quilt 
  • Purple Watch 

 Purple: Any color having components of both red and blue, such as lavender, especially one deep in tone. 





Posted in Colors, English Textbook Level One.
