141 Page 57 – 58 English Textbook Level One


                Flag of the day: Page 18 – Texas



Word of the Day Level II: Letter Tt – T, t – [tee] – /ti/ – Noun, plural T’s or Ts, t’s or ts.

The twentieth (20th) letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.


Activity: Ask the students who can give five (5) words that begin with letter Tt very quickly.

Note: Letter Tt is the 20th, letter of the alphabet; it comes before letter Uu, and after Letter Ss.



                English Textbook Level One – Page 57:  Beginning Sounds W, and Y


Beginning Sounds: Letter Ww

Ask the students what they can see on page 57, read the story and discuss in complete sentences.


Have the students write 10 words that begin with Letter Ww in their textbooks.


Beginning Sounds: Letter Yy

Ask the students what they can see on page 57, read the story and discuss in complete sentences.


Have the students write 10 words that begin with Letter Yy in their textbooks.



                English Textbook Level One – Page 58:  Beginning Sounds S, and Z


Beginning Sounds: Letter Ss

Ask the students what they can see on page 58, read the story and discuss in complete sentences.


Have the students write 50 words that begin with Letter Ss in their textbooks.



No Homework Given

Posted in English Textbook Level One.
