127 Page 35 Reading Rainbow Level One


Word of the Day Level II: Letter Hh – H, h – [eych] – /eɪtʃ/ – Noun, plural H’s or Hs, h’s or hs.

The eighth (8th) letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.


Activity: Ask the students who can give five (5) words that begin with letter Hh very quickly.

Note: Letter Hh is the 8th, letter of the alphabet; it comes before letter Ii, and after Letter Gg.


Focus Word(s):

                Discuss: Words that begin with letter Hh in depth.



                Reading Rainbow Level One Page 35: Playing Dress Up (PDF, Story Only)


I am a little cat. (Cat has whiskers and is an animal)

I am a little bee. (Bee is an insect and an animal)

I am a little duck. (Duck is a bird and an animal)

I am a little monster.

I am a little dancer. (Dancer is a person who can dance)

I am a little dog.

I am a little bunny. (Bunny is a small rabbit)

I am a little girl.


Note: Usage of the following would be required in their sentences as to what they can see.


                                DIRTY, CLEAN, EMPTY, FULL

                                                HARD, SOFT, HIGH, LOW


Note: What can the students see?  They should see a girl dressed up like a….



Have one or two students come up to the front and read the story no books allowed.



                Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One: Page 34

Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One Page 34: Painting.


                Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One: Page 35

Reading Rainbow Workbook Level One Page 35: Playing Dress Up.

Posted in English Textbook Level One, Reading Rainbow Level One.
